Jared Taylor and the New Century Foundation are a joke. But the Problem Is. . . . .No One Is Laughing.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Here is the evidence of Ignorance

I started this blog due to a so called "white supremacist" who was showing up at my blog and talking about anti black racism. It had nothing to do with the subjects on my blog. Here is what we are dealing with. This guy will question if I follow Christ because I don't agree with his doctrine of whites being a "superior" race. So here are the recent conversations with this so called superior white guy (by the way I'm white but don't think I'm superior to anyone based on skin color).   
He said this at my other blog on a recent post about your life having more value if you do God's will, notice how he stays on topic.
 "Don't even associate with the evil doers. All of that is in the new testament. So as you can see, God has it all figured out. So you don't have to do a thing but discern. If you lack the gift of discernment, then you are instructed to ask God for it. But you have to know your bible."

Note his reference to the "evil doers" is ALL blacks. And note that he is saying anyone who associates with blacks lacks discernment, and of course he is insinuating as he has before that I don't know the bible

I said in response. Ah discernment, like "love your neighbor as you love yourself" no matter what color skin they have. Just saying. . you are right. . . you just have to know the bible, and judge the fruit. Racism is some BAD fruit. Notice the discernment, that I can discern your comments to be from you and you have no voice here anymore. Bye Bye. Oh yea. There is a new one for you at the blog I made just for you http://newcentury-is-a-joke.blogspot.com/ Its called racism is ignorance. Now go over there where you belong. Oh and Hypocrite downloading music when you say it is wrong. I don't feel it is wrong but you do, so why do you do it? Hypocrite. You are possessed with a legalistic, judgmental spirit. That's called . . . discernment.

The so called "white supremacist" said this in response.   "And still another thing… I will always have a place at this blog. As long as you meet my legitimate responses to your ‘teachings’ with wrath and totally unrelated subject-matter, that is. Just think of me as that little white angel perched on your shoulder. Always ready to talk about it. And speaking of your lying ways, I never said that I actually DOWNLOAD anything from here. I merely stated that you post some good looking things! That’s all."


So AZ Jones wrote this. You are a hypocrite and less than honest when you said "I never said I downloaded". You don't have to say. I have tools to see it you fool. You downloaded the Allman Brothers, the Van Morrison, and the Michael Brecker, to name a few. Your IP address is well known to me. You are from central Florida, use Verizon for Internet, often come here from Rarity matters, or Midnight Cafe links so you are downloading music there too. You just rationalize away your behavior. Just like your disgusting profane language, sexual perversion type comments and your blanket judgment of groups of people. If you are not racist no one is. You are a sick sick person. And you are trying to say you are a changed one from the inside out, and are reflecting Jesus? You are so far from having the Holy spirit in you. The fruit is rotten! Self reflect! Do you have a learning disability on top of it all? Because your reasoning capability. . . well there is none.

Oh and "legitimate responses" What could be legitimate about that crude racist drawing on a post about using Gods gifts for good? That post was about my Father who passed away you heartless disrespectful PUNK! You have never written anything of value, and a lot has been profanity filled trash. And now you try to weasel and deceive about downloading. The spirit of TRUTH is not in you. But the spirit of the deceiver certainly is. You are a tool being well manipulated by Satan's demons to do his dark deeds. Like I said before. Only one guy out of thousands did I have to moderate. It's you the only one who is so perverted, profane and sick and you are so messed up that you think you are somehow justified. Scary and people like you are in the churches.

Then the white supremacist wrote this in response   "As far as my IP, YOU are the liar! You just proved it by labeling the places that I supposedly come from and the music that you THINK I "download". YOU my friend are the hypocrite! You LIE and STEAL and think nothing of it whatsoever.
Note that he is calling downloading of unofficial music unethical, I guess he believes that but I do not. Yet note that that is the purpose he came to my site to download music, and I have caught him doing it and he has again since this (Van Morrison, on 9-18-2011 at 6:16 PM) What a hypocrite.

And the White Supremacist" wrote this in response. "And why do I change my IP? It's simple: So I won't have to deal with little cretins like YOU. But in your case, it doesn't seem to really matter anyway, since lying is the work of your father. And since the son can only do what the father does, that explains it all. So go on, SINNER.... Go on stealing the hard work of others so you can have something to do! There is NO EXCUSE for it. Thief!!! (this is his accusation against sharing the music that he of course downloads) And just because I stand against the evils that the black race and the homosexuals are doesn’t mean that it is hypocrisy to love their bar-be-queue or like their music! They’re the ones on their way to the gates of hell for what they do. But we all need music and good eats and some of them know how to do it right. Therefore I shall partake therein! Nothing wrong or hypocritical about that! Get into reality, you little frigging little puke! This is the way that the world goes round!

Notice him calling me a liar as he lies about not downloading, still says it is wrong and then defends the FACT that he downloaded black musicians.  Notice how he continues to say there is "No Excuse" for downloading bootleg music yet does it himself and has done it again since this time. 

So AZ Jones wrote this. Ha Ha Ha. What a Joke you are. "I didn't say I actually downloaded anything from here" How foolish and fumbling you are. Not only have you downloaded several things (much of having black musicians)You are so mindless that you forgot you said you downloaded the Van Morrison for you wife. Or was that Ex wife? You just thought you were under the cover of anonymous but you were not. What a laugh!! You are a disgusting example of why people don't become Christians, because of people who claim they are and then act like you. Nothing good is in you. I never knew you He will say. Goat!

You are such a liar. Your IP address is clearly the only one on these spots at the time of the comments, and shown making the comments. Sorry but it's so obvious but you still lie and deny. What a Joke you are. So disrespectful, and judgmental, yet with no real integrity. Now go away, you are a laugh and should be ashamed

So the Racist hater wrote this in his denial of being caught doing what he said was wrong.   Michael Brecker? NEVER HEARD OF HIM. Get your IP numbers STRAIGHT. And I don't even like Van Morrison, nor did I ever comment on his links to you at any time. You are just another blind liberal LIAR who thinks that darkness is the most beautiful color in the world. And weather you know it or not, IP numbers can be CHANGED, buddy boy! It's a simple enough task if you know what you're doing. And I do. Believe that.

NOTE: he has returned since and downloaded some more Van Morrison.

So AZ Jones wrote this in response.   Telling me it is unethical to share music, yet downloading music. Now in denial. You have to live with you, how sad. But even worse, you claim to be a "blood bought" Christian. Hard spot you are in, now lying on top of it. Where is that Spirit Of Truth? Well it's not in you. If that spirit is not in you then what one is? Better self reflect. Goat!

What a pretentious puffed up hypocrite. Just like those who put Jesus on a cross. Legalistic, judgmental, religious, and unable to see it in themselves. You are in a dangerous place. The only ones Jesus came down hard on were those types. He gave grace to the humble sinners. But the ones like you He called vipers.

Here now lets see Galatians 5:20 "hatred" is on the list, and that is how you look at black people. Lewdness is also on the list and you have been that on many occasions, and no you were not anonymous to me, so don't try to lie your way out of it. What does it say now, those who practice these things will NOT inherit the kingdom of God. That's you practice it every day. Me I fall short but it is not a practice, it's not every day.
Below in Galatians 6:22 is the fruit and you know that you show little of that on my blog. You fits of rage, cursing, vile sexual language, lewdness, and such. And I have shown you long suffering, and self control until now. But now I am confronting the spirit in you just as Jesus confronted it in those he encountered. Now self reflect, ask Jesus to show you how He sees black people. He created them and loves them, and He died for them as well. So you are going to say He is wrong? Lord I pray you break up the hardness in this mans heart. Lord help him to see black people the way you see them, as precious enough to die for. Lord help this man to confront the old self that is still in him, and break these old things of the world off of him and help him to love ALL people as you have commanded those who claim to be your followers.

The racist bigot then wrote this
"Only one guy out of thousands did I have to moderate. It's you the only one who is so perverted, profane and sick and you are so messed up that you think you are somehow justified. Scary and people like you are in the churches" LOL.....!! Then don't respond, BUDDY BOY! And be careful with that mouth of yours when you do. You're the one that keeps it going. You're even worse of a jerk than you think I am. But pray-tell continue. I rather like that!

So AZ Jones responded with this.  Oh and this one is good, you said "You're even worse of a jerk than you think I am" That's your intelligent defense for posting a racist hurtful thing on a post about, Sharing Gods Gifts, and the loss of my father. You disrespectful wretch. And that's your defense for calling me a homosexual, and for calling me uncountable profanities that I could not post including lewd references to sexual acts. Just because I don't jump on the bandwagon of hate and bitterness toward blacks that you are on? You think I somehow top that? Put down the crack pipe for long enough to get the fog out of your brain. You are trying to compare my confronting you with the TRUTH to the sick stuff you have written? What are you on? It's like so far from reality. And then the covering up and lying when I call you out on it. I have been monitoring you for a long time. Oh yea I "better check my IP address" and "you know it is easy to change your IP address", sorry but you didn't and I have seen your activity, and that's some weak lame junk. You are a hypocrite, telling me downloading is wrong over and over, when you got nothing left to attack. Yet you download and have many times. What a sad person you are. You have called me a liar over and over, but I have caught you in lies, saying you have not downloaded, hypocrite. Even when confronted with the facts and truth you try to hide and cover. Shameful coward.

And then there is this one "And wheter you know it or not, IP numbers can be CHANGED, buddy boy! It's a simple enough task if you know what you're doing. And I do. Believe that." Maybe if what you did was kind and loving and right and just you would not care if I could tell who you were, and would not have to change your IP address. Looks like an admission of wrong doing to me. Go ahead change your Ip address. I will know it the first time you send a message, and be able to see you past activity again. You are not real bright. What do you think you gain from this? You call yourself a Christian? How has spreading racist hate, using profanity, making lude sexual comments, judging others for the stuff you do yourself, and lying to cover when you are called on it glorify God as you have been called to do? You say I am for darkness yet you hide and cover like a cockroach when the light is turned on.

This is my version of Jesus chasing the money changers out of the temple. There now I feel so much better. Now have a nice day.

So then the "white supremacist" who has continually used black violence as his evidence for white superiority wrote this little gem. "100 Facts why niggers are inferior to humans." He then rattles off a bunch of technological advances and so called scientific progress, of course not mentioning the cost of the so called progress to the environment, and the great costs yet to come of these so called advances. Then he rattled off this list of so called great white men including such fantastic non violent whites as Julius Cesar, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, and my favorite Hitler.

So AZ Jones wrote.   Ha ha Ha you changed you IP by a whole 25 in the last three digits. still coming from the same Rarity Matters site, still says the same thing info as far as location and provider. Why bother? And still denying you downloaded when I caught you several times, and not still telling me it is wrong. As for you list of so called great White humans. Hitler?????? Man that says it ALL right there. Yea that proves whites are superior. Yea the blacks don't have a Hitler to brag about. You really got me on that one. I just can't top that little peice of genius. Wow I truly did not think there was anyone that stupid.

And then claiming what he shows for black people is not hate but "righteous indignation" the so called "white supremist" wrote this little gem. "The little nigger-loving White Boy croaked: "Here now lets see Galatians 5:20 Boytred" is on the list". There is a DIFFERENCE between hatred and righteous indignation."

AZ Jones wrote this in response. "Oh and what you show is not "righteous indignation" it's HATE. Righteous indignation would come from a perspective of right and just and would be respectful. But you are none of those. And you did not address the lewdness, cause you can't, there is no excuse. And to continue to call me a liar when you know the truth you hypocrite. What is the point? You can't hide from yourself. You know you download and you know I know it. And you still try to say it's wrong. Well I don't see it as wrong but you do. So you are doing what you think is wrong. What else do you do that you tell everyone else not to do? You have no credibility. Like I'm supposed to listen to the lying hypocrite, who thinks Hitler is a great man, and heed his advice? Your meds have worn off."

The racist hater from central Florida said this "And just because I stand against the evils that the black race and the homosexuals are doesn’t mean that it is hypocrisy to love their bar-be-queue or like their music! They’re the ones on their way to the gates of hell for what they do. But we all need music and good eats and some of them know how to do it right. Therefore I shall partake therein! Nothing wrong or hypocritical about that! Get into reality, you little frigging little puke! This is the way that the world goes round!"

So AZ Jones wrote back.  Oh that is so precious, "They" know how to do it right. Like All them blacks know how to cook BBQ and eat fried chicken, and they ALL have natural rhythm. Are you like Archie Bunker or something. What a joke, you are like out of a comic book or something. "Yea all dem colords dey all know how to BBQ and dey all are violent" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I found your picture in the dictionary it's right next to Dumb REDNECK. Oh and in one sentence you say you don't download and it's wrong and in the next you are defending downloading music with black musicians. This is so easy. You have no ability to reason or think. It's kinda fun cause now I got you mad and now the real stupid stuff is coming out. HITLER a great man and evidence that whites are superior. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Now the hater says this. "I stay remarkably on-topic most of the time."

And AZ responds   Yea an John Fogerty music post to spout racist crap. That was sooooo on topic. Racist hate on a post about doing good with your gifts. Can't you think? And then you justify Hitler in one comment and then try to blame "people like me" for him coming to power. Well is he good or not? Where is the logic. So I'm responsible for the bad Hitler coming to power? But I thought you said he was great? Huh??? Man you are not able to reason. One minute downloading is bad the next we justify it cause liking "Their" music is not wrong. I really got you going now.

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! It just gets better and better. Come on give me some more wisdom. Lets see boys and girls today we learned that ALL blacks can cook good BBQ, and they ALL have rhythm, and the ALL are violent. And Hitler was a great man that proves that whites are superior since blacks don't have a Hitler in their history.

The "White supremacist" said this in response. "If you don't like my views on a particular subject, then either rebut them with facts of your own of ignore me! But don't try to disarm me with your silly leftist tactics of labeling and name-calling! Because I have what it takes to go you at least one better!"

Funny because in earlier post of course you have seen I have tried to use facts but this man is not able to see reason.
AZ Jones wrote this to the "white supremest". Ha Ha Ha ha. Here is another good one. "Don't try to disarm me with your silly leftist tactics of labeling and name-calling!" Oh did I hurt you feelings?

You have been coming here and calling me homosexual, and all kinds of other names for months and months and months. You are the KING of labeling you have labeled all blacks as violent, anyone that disagrees as leftist, liberal, Nig&#R lovers, and on and on, and you have been doing it for months. Again you are such a hypocrite!!!! What a joke you are little small minded bigot. Hows that for some name calling?

Oh forgive me Lord for this outburst. Perhaps this was how Jesus felt when he finally turned up the heat on the Pharisees. He got to calling them a "Brood of Vipers". That's a good one maybe I should use it. Oh that's right I already did.

The so called "white supremacist" said this in response. Like I've heard it often said... Hitler had the right idea. Just the wrong people................

The racist hater said this. "And as long as you have a comments option, I have every right to post here."

AZ Jones said in response.   Yep you do. And I have every right to take what you have said and show the world what a fool you are. Like this little tid bit you said.
"Like I've heard it often said... Hitler had the right idea. Just the wrong people."
So Hitler had the right idea? That is just so brilliant! So it was the right idea to murder millions of Jews? And who would be the right people to do it?
And you have heard it often said? Who do you hang out with? I've never heard that said by anyone. You must have some real great friends at those KKK meetings of yours.

Then there is this gem.
"we down here in the South have always known that there’s only one way to deal with them"

That's "them" being all black people. Naw nothing wrong with that statement. And what is that way to deal with them. Whips? Lynching? You know cause those blacks are soooo violent. But not us whites.

Come on give me some more of your great material. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next pearl of wisdom.


  1. WOW! Talk about going unarmed to a battle of wits. This racist guy is a LOSER!

  2. DAMN Ariz got combat!!!
