Jared Taylor and the New Century Foundation are a joke. But the Problem Is. . . . .No One Is Laughing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jared Taylor and American Renaissance, Bigotry In A New Deceptive Package

Well they just put up a memorial to Martin Luther King in Washington DC but we still have a ways to go.

Jared Taylor is the head of an organisation called the New Century Foundation and is the editor of a publication called American Renaissance. He has called himself a "race relations expert" and has tried to package his views as an intellectual study of race differences and race relations. The problem is it was never for real but just a deception to smear a race with false and questionable science to prove his point that whites are superior. The truth started to come out pretty early on when he was publishing under two names, Jared Taylor and Samuel Taylor (note the deception). The Jared Taylor penned writing would not cross the line into biological differences among the races but the writings of Samuel Taylor were much more extreme and went into the field of Eugenics.  He was trying to hide his true collors so his marginal books would be accepted by the mainstream conservatives. Problem is that was deception of who and what he was really about. What Jared and his organisations are all about is racial hate, plain and simple racism. They will sell it under a different name of "Racial Realism", but it's the same old bigotry just repackaged to appear intellectual. it's just good old boy KKK dressed up and wearing a suit. Jared Taylor and his publication often try to use crime statistics to prove that the black race is prone to violence, and is genetically inferior to whites. They think it's OK to hate a whole group due to the actions of a few of the group. They feel and have stated that whites are superior, and have even claimed that blacks have “damaged genetics” or are genetically inferior. Yea there are some real scientific “facts”. Talk about a lack of intellectual integrity! He quotes from and has published excerpt from "The Color Of Crime" to prove that blacks are genetically pre dis positioned to be more violent. So that would mean that his group and mine “whites” would be above the kind of violence as referenced by him and his followers (over and over again) with his so called “facts” that he claims is the evidence of black inferiority and white superiority.

But the facts in truth will show us that whites are of course not above behaving in the same way or worse. Here are just a few examples “facts” of the so called superior white race being just as violent or more than any other group . Let’s start with the estimated total of 12 million Africans that were forcibly transported to the Americas to be slaves and the subsequent splitting of families, and the violent beatings, killing and rape that went along with it, yea but that doesn’t count because blacks are not real people. Then there is the violence of white man against the American Indian in North America, Central America, and South America, some of the most brutal and systematic violence the world has ever seen. Let’s not forget the Holocaust of the Nazis where they exterminated millions of Jewish people. Then there are the thousands of lynchings that took place in America in the past decades (The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 lynchings of blacks between 1882 and 1968).

And then there is the white against black race riots including:

First, the November 1898, Wilmington, North Carolina white against black riot where thirty Blacks were killed in the massacre and many left the city. The white mob suffered no casualties.

Second, the riots in Atlanta, Georgia in September 1906, where white mobs, meeting ineffective resistance by city police, murdered Blacks, destroyed and looted their homes and businesses. Blacks attempted to resist, but were outnumbered. Some Blacks were arrested for arming themselves in self-defense. When the four days of rioting ended, ten Blacks and two whites were dead, hundreds were injured, and over a thousand fled the city.

Third, the East St. Louis riot in 1917. In May of 1917 white union workers demanded that “East St. Louis must remain a white man’s town.” A riot followed and white against black violence continued until it reached a climax on July 2nd where streetcars were stopped, Blacks were pulled off, stoned, clubbed, kicked and shot. Other rioters set fire to Black homes. By midnight the Black section of town was in flames and Blacks were fleeing the city. The official casualty figures were nine whites and thirty-nine Blacks, hundreds wounded, but other investigators estimated that between one hundred to two hundred Blacks were killed and over three hundred buildings were destroyed.

Fourth, the summer of 1919, called “The Red Summer” During that summer there were twenty-six race riots where white mobs came against blacks in such cities as Chicago, Washington, D.C.; Elaine, AK; Charleston, SC; Knoxville and Nashville, TN; Longview, Texas; and Omaha, NE. More than one hundred Blacks were killed in these riots, and thousands were wounded and left homeless. The Chicago, Illinois riot of July 1919 started when a young Black “encroached” upon a swimming area that the whites had marked off for themselves, and was stoned until he drowned. By the time the riot ended, thirteen days later, thousands of both races had been involved in a series of frays, fifteen whites and twenty-three blacks were killed, and 178 whites and 342 Blacks were injured. More than one thousand families, mostly Blacks, were left homeless due to the burnings and general destruction of property.

Fifth: Tulsa, Oklahoma riot took place from May 31 to June 1, 1921. A mob, numbering more than ten thousand whites attacked the Black district. “Machine-guns were brought into.use; eight airplanes were employed to spy on the movements of the blacks and according to some were used in bombing the black section of town. Four companies of the National Guard were called out, but by the time order was restored, fifty whites and between 150 and 200 Blacks were killed. Many homes were looted and $1,500,000 worth of property was destroyed by fire.

Sixth: The riot in Detroit, Michigan in 1943. On June 20, rioting broke out on Belle Isle, a recreational area used by both races but predominately by blacks. Fist fights escalated into a major conflict. The first wave of looting and bloodshed began in the Black ghetto “Paradise Valley” and later spread to other sections of the city. White mobs attacked Blacks in the downtown area, and traveled into Black neighborhoods by car, where they were met by sniping. By the time federal troops arrived to halt the riot, 25 Blacks and nine whites were killed and property damaged exceeded $2 million.

Enough “facts” for you yet of the proud white people’s legacy and history of violence and how they have kept black Americans living in fear for most of the past several hundred years?
    And of course today we still see white men who are capable of violence. Recently in Norway there was the bombing and shooting of random innocent people by Brevik, and the Timothy McVeigh bombing in Oklahoma, we whites are not above anyone in this junk. http://yourblackworld.com/2011/08/08/black-man-in-mississippi-killed-out-of-hatred-and-racism/  and http://yourblackworld.com/2011/08/08/your-black-history-did-you-know-black-babies-were-once-used-as-alligator-bait/
So by the racists own logic who claims all blacks are inferior because they are violent what does the extreem examples of white violence show? sorry you can't have it both ways. That would lack intellectual integrety, but it's not really about the TRUTH is it.
This is just to easy to disprove, and the guy is a Yale graduate. I guess it must be intentional lies and deception.

I could go on to show the false science of his "Racial Realism" doctrine but it is just so obvious. Taking crime statistics to prove your point without factoring in all the real social and economic factors and reasons is just not science, and is dishonest. Showing IQ tests to prove one race is superior without factoring in again social and economic factors is dishonest and not intellectual but just the same old thing RACISM packaged in a new way. The truth is the divide between black and white IQ tests is closing quickly but there is no altered genetics to account for it. But we are just getting farther away from oppression. So if you want to be a "realist" lets keep it REAL.

This is the same insane doctrine of an endless cycle of hate, violence, and sorrow of the past. They are right that there are blacks in America that can be violent and can hate whites and I’m not justifying it. Hate is just plain WRONG! But I’m not surprised to find it when I encounter people like this. This stupid illogical racist hatred makes it almost justified. What a surprise that white hate and violence has fostered the same coming back the other way. You reap what you sow. Just think that blacks parents and grandparents were not even allowed to use the same bathrooms as whites, and were relegated to the balcony only at movie theaters, and the back of the bus. They were often beaten if they went to vote. Treated as mere animals instead of as people. How can you not get that this was just a short time ago and that it will take generations for the pain and resentment and the economic results of this to go away? So what is your excuse Mr. Taylor for your hate? Anyone ever beat your father for voting? Anyone ever lock you up because you used a public bathroom? Anyone ever lynch your father who was falsely accused before he could get a fair trial? it takes a very small minded person to think you have a right to hate ALL of a group because they are different than you and not expect it to come back around to bite you. Does it come from an inferiority complex that tries to bring others down so you can feel some small bit of superiority? I remember small minded bullies like that in grade school who picked on others to make themselves feel big. I guess some people never grow out of it (arrested development). I know that nothing I say will stop the racists from using the same old tired excuse that since blacks hate it is OK to hate blacks. But if you believe the Black man is wrong to hate whites, then you are just the same (WRONG) for hating them. Duh!!!! Instead of going out and doing something of value to change the problem racists just complain about it and feed more hate into the hate cycle. But if we ask them what they have done to make the situation better they will change the subject. And then just turn the hate on us as well.

Often in this debate when I as a white protect the black race they will call me racist. Claiming I am showing favoritism to one race. The truth is I love all people not for the color of their skin but because they are simply people. Racists however don’t see them as that, they see them as animals that are inferior. One racist said this to me “God in His infinite wisdom decided to make blacks mentally inferior.” And then he proceeded to call me racist what a joke. The problem is confronting the racist is like trying to have a normal conversation at the insane asylum. Kind of pointless.
Racists just want someone to blame for the way the world is but the problem is the legacy of past white racism is to blame for what you see in Black America today. Sorry to say it has only been just a few generations, and there are still people like Jared Taylor and American Renaissance who are continuing it into the generations to come.

But for me it just will give me stronger resolve to fight for and express the MLK dream of racial equality and a society where we can ALL live in peace together. And that’s not a “liberal” view as i have been called it’s just a right and just view that most social conservatives like me can see as truth as well.

To my white and black brothers, do not stay silent when you hear someone spreading this hate. Hate is not OK. It only leads to more hate. We are no better or worse than each other.  There is only one race the HUMAN race. LOVE is the answer. Jesus said love you enemies, turn the other cheek. That is the beginning of stopping the insanity of the hate cycle. It happens one heart at a time through our reaching out in love. And it happens by taking the difficult high road of refusing to hate when hated and that takes strength, guts and courage. I guess that's missing in some of us. 


  1. There are people that actually believe this stuff? Wow, I guess people will listen to anything to justify racism.

    Robert K

  2. Love the cartoon.
